What roast to choose? Difference between light, medium, and dark roasted coffee.
Why does it matter what roast you choose?
Choosing the right roast is crucial for a perfect cup. At Silk Road Coffee, we want to guide you through the world of coffee so you can enjoy every sip.
It's important to choose the right roast to match your taste and the equipment you are using. So, let us dive into the magic of coffee.
Exploring Light Roasts:
What is a light roast?
Lighter roasted coffee is simply coffee beans that have been roasted for a shorter amount of time; they will appear a sort of tan colour. A high quality light roast is full of sweetness (this could taste fruity) and is slightly more acidic than darker roasts. No, acidity is not bad instead it has everything to do with personal preference.
A lighter roast does not mean less caffeine. The difference in caffeine between light and dark is minimal; the only thing that is different is the flavour of the bean (more on this later). If you want to opt for something with less caffeine we recommend our decaf option, the Levantine Lullaby.
What equipment should I use?
This is a bit technical. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered depending on the technique you are using (don't worry, we will teach you all about this in a different blog).
For the sake of simplicity, lighter roasts are better used with pour-over methods (French press or v60). So, don't use your light-roasted coffee in an espresso machine or an AeroPress.
Why? Simply because lighter beans are less porous.
You don't have to worry about understanding that part, but if you're interested, the reason why that happens is that the beans are roasted for a shorter amount of time. So, they don't have the chance to crack open. Leaving the bean less porous makes it harder to get the full extraction from equipment that relies on pressure (like an espresso machine).
That's as complicated as it's going to get, from here we will keep it short and sweet (like our coffee)!
Embracing Medium Roasts:
What is a medium roast?
These are beans that have been roasted for a longer period than lighter coffee but shorter than dark coffee. That perfect sweet spot that us coffee enthusiasts love, which is why most of our roasts are medium roasts.
What this allows us to do is taste the full body of the coffee beans; each sip will be more flavourful and less acidic than lighter roasts. What I mean by that is, it will have a more fruity taste (the natural sweetness of the bean).
What equipment should I use?
The best equipment to use for a medium roast is something that relies on pressure, like an espresso machine or an AeroPress.
This is because medium roasted coffee is more porous than lighter roasted coffee so you can get the full extraction using pressure.
Dive into Dark Roasts:
What is a dark roast?
A dark roasted coffee is one that has been roasted at a higher temperature for a longer period. The taste will be deeper and richer but still slightly sweet. A good-quality dark roast won't be bitter or acidic.
It will have that coffee taste that we all love.
What equipment should I use?
A dark-roasted coffee is the most versatile, meaning you can use it with any equipment. This is because it is more porous, meaning it takes up more volume, which makes it a solid and uniform roast. You can try it with pour-over methods or an espresso machine.
Does this pique your interest? Try our Anatolian Elixir, the best-seller.
Leave us a comment letting us know which roast is your favourite and why? We would love to hear from you!
Happy Brewing!

1 comment
Personally, I love the Anatolian elixir and I prefer making it in my espresso machine